Plesk installieren
Schnelldurchgang - So wird Plesk installiert:
Debian 6 (Linux) zuvor mit einer Minimalinstallation installiert worden sein!
- Einloggen per SSH (Root Terminal) auf den Linux-Server
- Betriebssystem Anpassungen:
Datei /etc/apt/source.lst editieren:
nano /etc/apt/source.lst
Falls der Befehl nano nicht existiert, dann mit folgendem Befehl nachinstallieren:
apt-get update
apt-get install nano
Folgende Zeile in Datei /etc/apt/source.lst hinzufügen / ändern:
deb squeeze main non-free - Anlegen eines temporären Installationsverzeichnisses:
mkdir /var/install
mkdir /var/install/plesk
cd /var/install/plesk - Herunterladen des Autoinstallers von der Webseite von Parallels:
Plesk 10.4 für Debian 6 (x64)
Stand: 04.05.2012
- Anpassen der Rechte:
chmod +x parallels* - Starten der Plesk Installation:
./parallels_installer (./parallels_installer eintippen und dann TAB-Taste!)
Ab hier ist die Installation von Plesk menügeführt und man kann nicht mehr viel falsch machen! ;-)
Webhosting Installation:
Select the installation type for Plesk Control Panel
Installation types for the product:
1. ( ) Typical
Install typically used components. Recommended for general use.
2. ( ) Full
Install all components.
3. (*) Custom
Custom components selection. Recommended only for experienced users.
Main components list for Parallels Plesk Panel
10 of 43 components selected
Please select the components of Parallels Plesk Panel you want to install:
1. * Base packages of Plesk
2. [*] Plesk Updater
3. [*] PHP5 support
4. [ ] PostgreSQL server support
5. [*] Application vault packages
6. [ ] Plesk Professional Web Site Editor
7. [*] Plesk API [former Plesk Agent]
8. [*] Plesk migration manager
9. [ ] SiteBuilder publishing support for Plesk
10. [ ] SiteBuilder module migration suite
11. [ ] ColdFusion support for Plesk
12. [ ] MIVA Empresa support
13. [ ] Plesk billing
14. [ ] <+> Plesk hosting features // 0 of 5 components selected
Different mailservers
15. (*) Qmail mailserver
16. ( ) Postfix mailserver
17. [ ] <+> Additional Plesk modules // 0 of 5 components selected
18. [ ] <+> Game servers // 0 of 3 components selected
19. [.] <+> Addition mail services // 2 of 4 components selected
20. [*] <+> Server backup solutions // 1 of 1 components selected
21. [ ] <+> Additional language packs // 0 of 9 components selected
22. [ ] <+> Plesk webmails support // 0 of 2 components selected
Primary components list / modules
Select the components you want to install:
1. [*] Plesk Firewall module
2. [ ] Plesk VPN module
3. [ ] Plesk Fileserver module and SMB file server package
4. [*] SSHTerm - SSH Terminal java applet
5. [*] Watchdog (System monitoring module)
(A) Select all, (D) Deselect all,
(L) Back to primary components list, (Q) Cancel installing
To select or deselect a component, enter its number;
Type a number or a character of desired action [L]:
Primary components list / mail
Select the components you want to install:
1. [ ] Mailman mailing list manager support
2. [*] Kaspersky antivirus module
3. [ ] Dr. Web antivirus
4. [*] SpamAssassin support
(A) Select all, (D) Deselect all,
(L) Back to primary components list, (Q) Cancel installing
To select or deselect a component, enter its number;
Type a number or a character of desired action [L]:
Primary components list / backup
Select the components you want to install:
1. [*] Plesk Backup Manager
(A) Select all, (D) Deselect all,
(L) Back to primary components list, (Q) Cancel installing
To select or deselect a component, enter its number;
Type a number or a character of desired action [L]:
Primary components list / locales
Select the components you want to install:
1. [*] German language pack
2. [ ] Japanese language pack
3. [ ] Spanish language pack
4. [ ] Russian language pack
5. [ ] French language pack
6. [ ] Italian language pack
7. [ ] Chinese language pack for China
8. [ ] Chinese language pack for Taiwan
9. [ ] Dutch language pack for Netherlands
(A) Select all, (D) Deselect all,
(L) Back to primary components list, (Q) Cancel installing
To select or deselect a component, enter its number;
Type a number or a character of desired action [L]:
Abschluss der Installation
Aufruf der Oberfläche:
- URL: https://SERVER-IP:8443
- Login: admin
- Kennwort: root Passwort
- Lizenz einspielen
- Firewall einstellen (wenn die Plesk eigene Firewall genutzt wird)
- DNS-Server deaktivieren
- Mail Relaying erlauben
Spaß haben!
Quelle / geändert von M. Schaarschmidt